A triple combination of Cavitation, G5 & Radio frequency which will accelerate slimming while contouring the body
Tummy tuck
This treatment targets stubborn stomach fats. A triple combo of laserlipo, cavitation & emsculpt to break & melt away fats in and around the midsection Highly recommended after childbirth
Research & Analysis
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This therapy uses radio frequency & vacuum suction to heat deposits of fat under the skin, tissues are tightened and blood circulation is improved to cellulite
Operational Optimization
Viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel. Risus ultricies tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor. Nam aliquam sem et tortor consequat id porta nibh
Slim & Tone
A combination of Faradic, Herbal Steam and G5 to help firm, improve metabolism & break down body fat, while removing toxins from the body
Fat Buster
A combination of Lipolysis, Cavitation, G5 & Radio frequency
Mummy Makeover
This customizable package will tighten, tone, firm, and rejuvenate parts of the body that change as a result of pregnancy and childbirth. The tummy, arm, buttock, thigh & vagina are all popular elements of Mummy makeover,